CZ EuroTour



S P A  T R A V E L  -  C Z E C H  R E P U B L I C 




Czech Spa's towns


Czech Spa travel - from Prague : by Car / by Coach / by Train / without or with guide
Czech Spa travelKm/miles distance from Prague Trip duration (hours) Quantity of persons Service at the price *
Bechyně 125 / 78 8 2 - 50

1 hour city center sightseeing with guide, lunch

Bechyně & Třeboň 160 / 99 11 2 - 50

2 hours city center sightseeing with guide, lunch  

Karlovy Vary 145 / 90 11 2 - 50

1 hour spa city center sightseeing with guide, Becherovka herbal liquer excursion with tasting, lunch   

Karlovy Vary & Mariánské Lázně 175 / 109 11 2 - 50

2 hours spa city center sightseeing with guide, lunch   

Mariánské Lázně 150 / 93 10 2 - 50

1 hour spa city center sightseeing with guide, lunch 

Poděbrady 60 / 37 6 2 - 50

1 hour sightseeing with guide, lunch

Třeboň 155 / 96 9 2 - 50

1 hour sightseeing with guide, lunch

* Additional trip service on request (spa massage,wellness,spa packages,treatment)


             PRICE REQUEST