CZ EuroTour

Czech republic places

Places : 


Some of them do not have world famous names, some of them are not even the most visited destinations. However, after you discover them, you will say for sure:

"These are some of the most beautiful places in the world"


Part 3

(* km from Prague - approximately)

Orlik chateaux lake

      Orlik chateaux

2.19. ORLIK - the water Gothic castle from 13th century (90 km *)

The famous castle above the lake Orlik. The rich collections of hunting arms, hunting trophies, many historical rooms including the Knight's Hall with
a one treasure - the pretty carved ceiling. A ship cruise on the Orlik Lake.

Orlik tower Orlik lake Orlik peacock


Zvikov castle

      Zvikov history

2.20. ZVIKOV - the water Gothic castle from 13th century (110 km *)

The famous castle above the lake Orlik. A national cultural monument. Ancient Castle Chapel (from 15th century) with its unique, wonderful walls paintings. A ship cruise on the Orlik Lake.

Zvikov entrance Zvikov cathedral Zvikov and lake


Cervena Lhota castle

      Cervena Lhota castle

2.21. CERVENA LHOTA - is one of the most frequented castles in the Czech Republic (120 km *)

First mention of Cervena Lhota is from the year 1465. At the present time, Cervena Lhota castle is a National Monument.

  Cervena Lhota entrance Cervena Lhota corridor Cervena Lhota garden



2.22. NAMEST NA HANE - the chateaux of Josef and Antonin Manes, genius of the Czech painting art (285 km *)

The fascinating collection of Czech paintings from 19th century. Exhibition of bishop's and archbishop's carriages. The fascinating interiors, historical furniture.



2.23. HRADEK U NECHANIC - one of the most important romantic castles in Bohemia (120 km *)

The romantic castle modeled after the English Gothic style. The interior decorations, unique library, stucco works, woodcarvings and metal works in the late north Renaissance style. The art works from Venice, England, Austria and France. Festivals of classical and romantic music.



2.24. BITOV - the world largest unique collection of 50 stuffed Dogs (205 km *)

Bitov is one of the oldest romantic castles (1061) in the Czech Republic. The most valuable part of the castle is its armory with a collection of unique arms from 16th and 17th century.



2.25. PERNSTEJN - the Gothic well preserved castle, unique Knights Hall and Library (210 km *) .

The best-preserved grand castle with Gothic core. It was founded in 13th century and lately rebuilt in Renaissance style. A guided tour of the castle includes unique Knights Hall from 1700 and the library.



2.26. RAJEC-JESTREBI - the chateaux and the valuable Salma Gallery with paintings by Dutch and Flemish painters (240 km *)

The Rajec Jestrebi Chateaux is a residence in French Ludwig XVI style. Prestigious rooms, the magnificent Salma Gallery with paintings from the 16th century, the collection of crystal vessels and oriental porcelain.
The museum of the Moravian Karst and the beautiful French park.



2.27. LYSICE - the charming chateaux with the well-known garden colonnade (220 km *)

The chateaux's beautiful interiors with collections of Bohemia glass, oriental art works, Chateaux armory with arms from Gothic to the First World War including a collection of Japan arms. The most important sight of the chateaux is the garden colonnade dating back to 1833. English park, historical fencing, contemporary music.